馬達加斯加推動漁業生產量五年翻三倍馬達加斯加漁業及海洋資源部決定善用資源、開發八成從事傳統漁業的馬達加斯加漁民潛能、提高國內水產消費量等多項措施,以推動計畫未來五年漁業生產量增加三倍的海洋漁業強化管理策略。該部秘太平洋房屋書長表示,政府會提供有助於漁民提高生產量的設施,善用馬達加斯加豐富的海洋資源,進而促進水產品消費量。馬達加斯加每人每年水產品消費量可望自現在的15.4公斤 增加到26.4公斤 ,州政府稅收亦會跟著水漲船高。政府除了培養人才濾桶,也將朝強化漁業監控、更新統計數據、改善海洋保護區功能、資助公共團體等方向擬訂提高生產量策略。相關活動推動資金及技術將由歐盟下的「Smart Fish」計畫提供及支援。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 11/2012,15 June 2012租房子) FISHERY SECTOR TO TRIPLE PRODUCTION IN FIVE YEARS The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources has set a goal to triple fishery production as part of the marine fisheries policy based on good governance 機車借款over the next five years. Several actions will be taken for this purpose, including optimal use of resources, and exploitation of potential, especially in traditional fisheries which involves 80% of Malagasy 禮服fishermen and including increasing domestic fish consumption. The Secretary General of the ministry said, Madagascar is rich with marine resources and fisheries lack suitable equipment. Hence, proper equipment 房屋貸款will be provided to fishermen with hopes for increasing production as consumption of fish is improving. Fish consumption among the Malagasy is expected to increase to 26.4 kg per capita per year, against 15.4 kg 賣房子now, and revenue injected into the income of the State is expected to follow this trend. In addition to staffing materials, improvement of production will also be based on strengthening the control of fisheries 關鍵字行銷monitoring, updating statistics, improving the function of marine protected areas and support for public institutions in defining strategies. These initiatives will be funded by the European Union through a 室內裝潢programme known as Smart Fish providing funding and technical support for the development of better regulation.

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